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HomeWeb Hosting ArticlesWhat Does Cloud Website Hosting Denote?
50 GB storage
Unlimited bandwidth
1 website hosted
30-Day Free Trial
10.24 / month

75 GB storage
750 GB bandwidth
4 websites hosted
30-Day Free Trial
13.42 / month

100 GB storage
1 TB bandwidth
7 websites hosted
30-Day Free Trial
22.61 / month

What Does Cloud Website Hosting Denote?

Cloud website hosting is a very popular phrase these days. Still, only a few realize what it does in reality mean. The bulk of the web hosting providers speculate fiercely about packages portrayed as being 'cloud hosting'. Chiefly the cPanel website hosting and cPanel reseller hosting companies. Because of the total deficiency of novel marketing ideas, the cPanel web hosts are merely utilizing fashionable terms, attempting to allure more website hosting clients with artful marketing techniques.

cPanel - a single server web hosting platform

To cut a long story short, cPanel is a single server web hosting solution. One single web server serves all hosting services simultaneously. On the other hand, the cloud website hosting platform requires each different web hosting service, such as storage space, email, FTP, databases, DNS, stats, web hosting CP, backup, etc. to be served by separate hosts of leading edge servers in a cluster. All the clusters render the so called 'cloud'. With cPanel, the aforestated hosting services are all being served at one and the same time by 1 single web server. It goes without saying that no 'clouds' can be detected around cPanel-based web hosting vendors. Not even a single one...

The great marketing deceit with cloud website hosting packages

Watch out for the various counterfeit claims promising you 'cloud hosting' packages, chiefly propagated by cPanel hosting providers. When a cPanel website hosting distributor arrogantly asserts that a 'cloud' website hosting service is being offered, examine whether it's not a mist or a fog beforehand. Nearly everyone toys with the word 'cloud', ultimately counting on the circumstance that the bulk of the clients do not know what it does really indicate.

Let's be more positive and return to the genuine cloud website hosting services.

Hepsia - a cloud website hosting Control Panel solution

Hepsia is a last generation cloud website hosting platform connected to a feature-rich user-friendly website hosting Control Panel. Both, the cloud website hosting solution and the corresponding web hosting CP are concocted by - a top-rated hosting reseller retailer from 1999. Regrettably, it's an undoubtedly rare thing to stumble on a web hosting firm offering a cloud website hosting solution on the marketplace. For unfamiliar reasons, Google favors cPanel-based website hosting retailers mostly. That is the reason why we believe it's advisable for those people who need a website hosting platform to know a little bit more about the Hepsia cloud website hosting solution.

Hepsia - the multi-server cloud website hosting environment

Each web hosting service droplet in Hepsia's 'cloud' is tackled by an independent stack of web servers, devoted only to the particular service at hand, sharing out the load generated. Thus, the web hosting Control Panel is being attended to by a different bunch of servers, which serve the website hosting Control Panel solely and nothing aside from it. There is another stack of servers for the email, one more for the storage space, another for the backup, one more for the stats, another for the MySQL databases, one more for the PostgreSQL databases, and so on. All these hosts of servers operate as one complete web hosting service, the so-called 'cloud website hosting' service.

Cloud website hosting services with Consultingforge SL

We have selected Hepsia as our main hosting platform, so that we can offer top cloud website hosting services to our clients. Each of our web hosting offers features the Hepsia hosting Control Panel and all of it's free bonuses. But don't take our word for it, you can go check things for yourself in the control panel demo.